Lectures & workshops are for art associations, workplaces or cultural organizers who want an inspiring moment based on art, creativity, health and life in general!
I post my talks & workshop based on the client's wishes and conditions. Please get in touch for more information!
Below are examples of themes of my talks & workshops.
- based on Carmen's art:
Carmen talks about her 30 years as an artist and how a long-term interest in art, health and psychology has developed. Based on the expression of art, themes and titles open up to themes that touch and inspire.
The lecture describes the colors, structure and expression of the paintings, but also touches on psychological themes such as security, freedom, longing, development potential, crises and opportunities.
There can be room for questions and natural interaction with the audience that makes the moment alive and developing.
Time: 45 min- 90 min
Cost: Depends on whether the talk is ordered independently or in connection with an exhibition.
- The connection between art & health
In addition to being an artist, Carmen is also a trained stress counselor, coach and behavioral scientist.
With her own background as a "dandelion child", she has struggled in her youth with finding balance in life and making up for some of what was lost during her childhood.
Over many years, Carmen has explored how art and health are closely related to each other.
This talk can easily be combined with small exercises of a creative and psychological nature.
The aim is to inspire and give the participants a concrete experience of how art can open up well-being, development and human encounters.
Time: 60 min- 120 min
Cost: Depends on whether the talk is ordered independently or in connection with an exhibition.
- lectures & conversation about what we humans have in common
Conversations about the art & life where Carmen creates a clear and safe framework and where fruitful conversations arise about art, life and what we humans have in common.
What do we rejoice over?
What worries us?
How do we deal with adversity?
Is vulnerability a superpower?
What can we influence and what must we accept?
How do you want to live your life and how much do you really have to think about your own needs?
Time: 60 min- 120 min
Cost: Depends on whether the talk is ordered independently or in connection with an exhibition.
- Stress.....it's something other people get, right?!
Stress is the new growing public disease. A word many use and a theme that many have an opinion about.
You get evidence-based knowledge about what stress is, how the body reacts and what exactly you need to do based on your life situation.
The most important message is that "stress is a healthy response to an overload". There is NOTHING wrong with you - but there are things in your life that you can do differently!
Content of the lecture:
what is stress?
does it come from outside or inside?
How do you increase your self-awareness?
How do you prevent stress?
how art & aesthetics can help us get closer to ourselves and also give us reason to talk to each other about how we really feel
Carmen is a Stress Advisor, Coach, Artist and Behavioral Scientist. As a coach, Carmen has given more than 1,600 coaching sessions over the past few years.
Time: 60 min- 120 min
Cost: Depends on whether the talk is ordered independently or in connection with an exhibition.

Daring to talk about what is really important is one of the best things I know. It creates curiosity, humility and that spontaneous joy of meeting people on a slightly deeper level
Carmen Faunbäck